Lions Class

Lions Class

Lions Class consists of children in Years 4,5 & 6 and is taught by Mrs McAdams with Miss LeFort and Miss Nott as support staff.


Spring 2019 

Our learning theme:

This term out overriding learning theme is Social Injustice. We will explore this by learning about the country of India, before moving on to an Easter focus at the end of term.

English We will be learning about 19th century India in the era of the British Raj through Rudyard Kipling’s Rikki Tikki Tavi. We will be writing our own animal based story and for non-fiction will be learning how to construct a persuasive piece of writing connected to the pros and cons of the British occupation of India.
How you can help:  

Visit the library as often as you can and share books with your child. Read with your child for 10-15mins every day and record this in their reading record. Help them with learning the Common Exception Words for their year group. Support your child to log on to IXL (login details to be found inside reading records) and complete the English focussed activities.


This term, we will be starting our maths learning by focussing on Statistics and data handling. We will then move on to Algebra

How you can help:  

Support your child by practising activities on IXL. Websites like maths is fun and BBC Bitesize are also very good not only to support your child but to brush up on your own knowledge. Make sure homework is completed and returned to school within the time given for completion.


In RE, we will be learning about the Christian Gospel and the Good News that Jesus brings, before moving onto the Easter story at the end of term. In DT we will be cooking a variety of dishes based on Indian cuisine. We will be learning about and evaluating the period of the British occupation of India during the 19th Century. In Geography we will looking at and comparing the different regions in India and finding out about the the day to day life of people who live in India..

How you can help:  

Can you find out who Gandhi was? Mother Teresa? How is Easter celebrated around the world? Can you research a Hindu God? Can you find out more about Morning Star Ministries (India) and their work in improving the lives of children from shanty towns?

Other additional notes and key dates

It is essential that your child has the following items in school every day:

P.E. kit

Book bag and reading record A waterproof coat

A named drinks bottle (water please, no juice/squash etc.)