Dear families, 

Welcome back – It has been wonderful to see the children happy, settled and 

eager to get on with their learning. I have also enjoyed being able to catch up 

with many of you at the gate and look forward to getting to know you more over 

the coming weeks. 

As I mentioned in my email last week, I am writing with more information about 

our exciting term ahead! 

Curriculum Overview 

Our whole school theme for our learning this term is ‘Self’, looking at what 

makes us unique and special, developing our own character and the impact 

that we can have on our own lives and the lives of others. You will be able to 

read more about the curriculum coverage on the Courageous Curriculum for 

your child’s class on Seesaw 

Tremendous Thursdays 

We will be further developing our community links between the two schools, 

through our Tremendous Thursdays where we will be bringing all of the children 

from Dolton over to join the children at the Clinton school site, on the minibus 

for the day and return them back to Dolton for the end of the day. This will be a 

wonderful opportunity for the children to work together on some joint projects 

and further develop their character across all four cornerstones. Mr Liam Dart 

will also be joining us on this day and the children will all have their weekly PE 

lessons on this day, so they will need to bring in their PE kit on a Thursday. 

Kingfishers and Tigers will have their PE session in the morning. Lions and 

Swallows will have their PE session in the afternoon.

Mr Dart will also be running a club before and after school at the Clinton school, on a Thursday. Children from both schools are welcome to attend. Please let the school office know if your child wishes to attend either of these. 

If your child wishes to attend Mr Dart’s morning sports club, you can drop your child off at The Clinton at 8.00am. If your child wishes to attend the after school club you can collect them from The Clinton at 4.30pm 


The children all looked super smart in their uniforms today! 

If you have any outgrown uniform you would like to donate we run a ‘swap shop’, or if you don’t require a swap we would be very grateful to add it to our spare stock. 


In order to provide extra-curricular clubs, we rely on staff and volunteers to give up their time. With thanks to our lovely staff, we are currently in the position to offer the following clubs for the children to attend: 





Thursday 8.00-8.45am  Thursday 3.30-4.30pm
Cooking Club 

Mrs Le Fort & Mrs 


Club Club – 

Mrs Hannam

Sports Club at Clinton School 

Mr Dart

Sports Club at Clinton School 

Mr Dart


If your child would like to sign up for any of the clubs, please email the school office to book your child’s/children’s place. 

We would very much welcome any volunteers from the community that would like to run a club or share some expertise, so if you or someone you know has an interest or skill that would engage and benefit the children, please do get in touch. Either catch me on the gate, email or call the school office. 

I am thrilled to be working with you all in providing your children with an excellent education that will enable them to flourish as individuals and become inspiring change makers. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Very best wishes, 

Mrs Drew



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