Living Our Virtues - Weekly Enrichment Programme
Character Education is the foundation to personal growth and academic success and through C360 all four cornerstones become interconnected empowering equity and excellence.
Every year group, as part of their Character Education Journey, will complete six enrichment projects to demonstrate and apply their personal character growth in a range of practical situations - ‘Living Our Virtues’.

Inspiring Speaker: Children participate in a range of oracy projects in which they develop language, vocabulary, vocal presentation skills and confidence in delivering a meaningful message fluently and competently to others. Children will learn how their own voice can be a powerful tool in bringing about change in our world.

Inspiring Researcher: Children have the opportunity to create their own inspiring research projects linked with UN Sustainable Development Goals. Children learn about justice and global issues, ask their own questions, think innovatively and communicate their thoughts in a range of ways.

Inspiring Young Leader: As children move through the school they will have opportunities to ‘Take the Lead’. Our youngest children will develop teamwork and cooperation skills, making decisions as a group for school based projects and then beginning to take the lead in elements of the shared projects. Our older children will develop their ability to independently generate ideas, lead teams, develop ideas and engage in projects across the school and within the local community.

Inspiring Volunteer: Children have opportunities to make links and get involved with local, national and international action projects. Children will have opportunities to develop their cooperative and civic virtues when working together to serve others and the world. Children will also engage in fundraising projects to inspire change.

Inspiring Skill Builder: Children are given opportunities to learn a range of new skills in exciting and innovative ways. Children will develop practical skills alongside virtues such as courage, resilience, confidence and resourcefulness.

Inspiring Adventurer: Children engage in off-site activities which allow them to explore the exciting and diverse world around them. Children participate and take the lead in visits and residentials as they move through the school. Children will have opportunities to demonstrate a range of personal positive strengths including independence during this enrichment.